Climate and energy analysis of OTPP’s 2024 Annual Report

The Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (OTPP) 2024 Annual Report, includes an update on the fund’s climate strategy. OTPP continues to make progress on its climate strategy and invest in opportunities that “help to accelerate the broad transition to a low-carbon future.” But the pension manager’s most recent annual report comes a month after OTPP fell out of the top three spots on Shift’s 2024 Canadian Pension Climate Report Card because of its lack of ambition and continued investments in high-risk fossil fuels.

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Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan Shift Action Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan Shift Action

“Find your next drilling location”: The Heritage Royalty “Carbon Bomb” 100% owned by Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan

The Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (OTPP) is the 100% owner of Heritage Royalty, a private company that holds royalty rights for approximately 4 million acres of oil and gas producing lands. As the climate crisis accelerates and jeopardizes the retirement security of thousands of Ontario teachers, their families and their students, OTPP members deserve answers from their pension managers about the role this investment has played in increasing oil and gas production and pumping carbon pollution into the atmosphere—and the associated risks Heritage Royalty raises for the pension fund.

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Shift Analysis Shift Action Shift Analysis Shift Action

Analysis: Pension fund support for Enbridge scope 3 emissions disclosure should be a no-brainer

In deciding whether or not to support a shareholder proposal calling for full disclosure of Enbridge’s scope 3 emissions on May 8th, Canada’s largest pension funds need look no further than their own policies, reports or membership in Climate Engagement Canada.

On May 8th, Enbridge is holding its Annual General Meeting (AGM), where the shareholders and executives of Canada’s largest fossil fuel pipeline company will gather to make key decisions about the coming year. Shareholders will be voting on a proposal asking the company to “annually disclose all of its scope 3 emissions using accepted definitions and in absolute terms.”

For Canada’s pension sector, voting for the scope 3 emissions proposal at Enbridge’s AGM should be a no-brainer.

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OTPP, Shift Statement Shift Action OTPP, Shift Statement Shift Action

Statement on OTPP's 2022 Responsible Investing and Climate Strategy Report

The OTPP continues to demonstrate national leadership in aligning the retirement savings of its members with a safe climate future. But despite its increasingly sophisticated strategy to manage climate-related financial risks, the OTPP is silent on how its massive oil, gas, pipeline and and related infrastructure investments have a credible, science-based pathway pathway to decarbonization.

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OTPP, Shift Statement Shift Action OTPP, Shift Statement Shift Action

Statement from Shift Action for Pension Wealth and Planet Health on the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan’s 2021 Annual Report

The OTPP reduced portfolio emissions intensity by 32% and absolute emissions by 13% between 2019 and 2021. But the $242 billion pension fund continues to have significant problems with transparency and credibility when it comes to reconciling its climate commitments with its investments in high-risk fossil fuels.

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Statement from Shift Action for Pension Wealth and Planet Health on the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan’s purchase of a stake in Puget Sound Energy

Yesterday, the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (OTPP) announced that it is partnering with Macquarie Asset Management to purchase a 31.6% stake in Puget Sound Energy (PSE) from CPP Investments. While PSE certainly has the potential to become part of the solution to the climate crisis, that is not the case today.

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