Tell OMERS to Protect Your Pension and the Planet

ShiftOMERS works to protect pensions and the climate by bringing together Ontario municipal workers and their pension fund, the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS), to engage on the climate crisis. We help municipal workers understand where their retirement wealth is being invested and how to engage with the OMERS fund managers investing it. Now is the time for Ontario municipal workers to protect their retirement savings and ensure a climate-safe future.

We’re asking OMERS to:

  • Disclose a complete list of assets aligned with a zero-carbon economy, and a complete list of assets allocated to high-carbon investments.

  • Explain how such high-carbon investments are aligned with Canada’s commitment and the Paris agreement goal to limit global temperature increases to 1.5°C;

  • Immediately place an exclusionary screen on new oil, gas and pipeline investments;

  • Phase out all current oil, gas, coal and pipeline investments within the year;

  • Decarbonize its portfolio by 2040;

  • Establish ambitious targets for increased investments in profitable climate solutions that help build a zero-carbon economy; and

  • Develop a robust engagement strategy to ensure owned companies are on a rapid decarbonization pathway.

Send a letter to your OMERS fund managers

Learn about OMERS’ performance on Shift’s 2024 Canadian Pensions Climate Report Card

OMERS members and allies are pushing the pension fund to phase out fossil fuels

Interested in getting involved? Join the ShiftOMERS group