CPPIB Watch: A quarterly update on CPPIB-owned fossil fuel companies (January – March 2025)

CPPIB executives disclosed to Canadians at its public meetings that 3.5% of its portfolio – approximately $22.6 billion – is invested in fossil fuels. This is likely an underestimate that omits CPPIB’s significant holdings in fossil fuel private equity, gas and electric utilities and other fossil fuel infrastructure. Following CPPIB’s release of its Second Quarter Fiscal 2025 results in November, Shift calculated that CPPIB has committed at least $3.3 billion of Canadians’ retirement savings in new oil, gas, coal and pipeline assets in 2024.

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Canada Pension Plan, CPP Investments Shift Action Canada Pension Plan, CPP Investments Shift Action

CPPIB-owned carbon capture and storage project threatened by cost challenges

The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) is risking Canada's national retirement fund on risky, expensive, ineffective carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects that prolong the use of fossil fuels. The Alberta Carbon Trunk Line is a prime example. This week, the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) released a report arguing that the profitability and sustainability of CCS facilities in Alberta are threatened by cost increases and failing to live up to projected emissions reductions. 

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CPP Investments, Shift Statement Shift Action CPP Investments, Shift Statement Shift Action

Statement on CPPIB-owned Wolf Midstream’s NGL North Phase Two project to expand fossil fuel production

With yet another investment in fossil fuel expansion, our national pension manager continues to bet on climate failure and puts Canadians’ retirement security at risk. CPPIB cannot continue to pretend it is committed to achieving its net-zero obligations while allocating billions of dollars of Canadians’ savings into the causes of the worsening climate crisis.

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CPP Investments Shift Action CPP Investments Shift Action

Opinion: Canada's pension plan shouldn’t be a cheerleader for Alberta’s oil and gas industry

Read the op-ed from Patrick DeRochie, Shift’s Senior Manager, in Corporate Knights.

“By pledging to grow its portfolio of oil and gas assets, CPPIB is making an alarming bet on the world failing to limit global heating to safe levels, putting the CPP at risk from an accelerating energy transition and our retirement security at risk from catastrophic climate change.”

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Statement on CPPIB-Owned Civitas Resources' $6.2 Billion Oil Acquisition

A company privately owned by the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) announced this morning that it’s spending CA$6.2 billion to increase its oil production by 60%. Ongoing, reckless investment in fossil fuel expansion by Civitas Resources (Civitas) makes a mockery of the CPPIB’s net-zero emissions commitment and gambles the retirement savings of millions of Canadians on climate failure. 

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