Learn about OTPP’s Climate Scores
The 2022 Canadian Pension Climate Report Card assesses large Canadian pensions on their handling of climate-related risks. Read the analysis to learn about the OTPP’s scores on climate, including its overall score and subscores in the categories of Paris-Aligned Target, Interim Climate Targets, Climate Urgency, Climate Engagement, Climate Integration and Fossil Fuel Exclusions. The analysis is based on publicly available information to December 31, 2022.
The Silver Star for Greenwashing
As part of the 2022 Canadian Pension Climate Report Card, Shift has assigned the OTPP a silver star for greenwashing for overstating the realistic potential for fossil gas distribution pipelines it owns to be repurposed to transport hydrogen and inaccurate claims about its “net-zero” or “carbon-neutral” airports.
About the OTPP
The OTPP is Canada’s largest single-profession pension plan. It administers a defined benefit pension plan for 333,000 active and retired teachers across 170 public school boards and private schools throughout Ontario.
Assets Under Management (AUM): $242.5 billion (June 30, 2022)