Which pension are you part of?

All Canadians outside of Quebec are members of the Canada Pension Plan, one of the largest investment funds in the world. The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) manages nearly $700 billion in retirement savings on behalf of over 22 million Canadians. Send a letter to our national pension fund manager now asking them to stop investing our money in fossil fuel expansion in the midst of the climate crisis.

Find out who manages your pension. Send a message to your pension manager to express your concerns about protecting your pension and the planet.

Alternatively, you can use the information below to find out who your pension manager is and then use one of Shift’s action tools to write to your pension fund to express your concerns about your pension and the climate crisis. If you’re still not sure who your pension manager is after reviewing the information below, ask your employer or labour representative.

Public sector workplace pensions

  • The British Columbia Investment Management Corporation is the pension manager for B.C. public employees, including:

    B.C. Teachers’ Pension Plan:
    For active, inactive and retired teachers and employees from all school districts across B.C.

    B.C.’s Municipal Pension Plan:
    For active, inactive and retired workers in British Columbia’s health sector, municipalities and school districts.

    B.C.’s Public Sector Pension Plan:
    For active, inactive and retired members in B.C.’s provincial public sector.

    B.C.’s College Pension Plan and University Pension Plans:
    For active, inactive and retired members from most of the publicly-funded post-secondary institutions in B.C.; University of British Columbia Staff Pension Plan; and University of Victoria Staff Pension Plan.

    B.C. Hydro Pension Plan:
    For active, inactive and retired eligible employees of B.C. Hydro.

    WorkSafeBC Pension Plan:
    For active, inactive and retired eligible employees of WorkSafeBC.

    Learn about the campaign to shift BC pensions on climate and send a letter to your pension managers.

  • The large public sector pension plans in Ontario are:

    Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan (HOOPP)
    HOOPP is a multi-employer pension plan offered by more than 600 participating employers, including hospitals, family health teams, community health centres and other healthcare organizations. Many healthcare workers who are union members of the Ontario Nurses’ Association (ONA), the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU), and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) pay into HOOPP.
    Learn about the campaign to shift HOOPP on climate and send a letter to your pension managers.

    Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS)
    OMERS is a multi-employer pension fund whose members are local government employees across Ontario, including municipal government employees, library workers, children’s aid society workers, firefighters, emergency services staff, police, school board staff, transit workers and utility workers.
    Learn about the campaign to shift OMERS on climate and send a letter to your pension managers.

    The Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (OTPP)
    OTPP administers a defined benefit pension plan for active and retired teachers across 170 public school boards and private schools throughout Ontario.
    Learn about the campaign to shift OTPP on climate and send a letter to your pension managers.

    OPSEU Pension Trust (OPTrust) and OPTrust Select
    OPTrust manages the pension plan for Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU) members, most of whom work for Ontario’s provincial government and municipal governments and services. Other OPTrust beneficiaries may be employees who work for private companies or organizations that are contracted to deliver public services, such as hospitals and medical laboratories. Some employees in the nonprofit sector are members of OPTrust via OPTrust Select.
    Learn more about OPTrust’s approach to climate.
    Reach out to get involved in shifting OPTrust on climate.

    Ontario Pension Board / Investment Management Corporation of Ontario (IMCO)
    IMCO provides investment management services for a number of clients:

    • the Ontario Pension Board, which administers Ontario’s Public Service Pension Plan, whose membership includes certain employees and retirees of the Ontario government who are not OPSEU members and tend to work for the province’s agencies, boards and commissions.

    • Ontario’s Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, which administers insurance, pension plan and other retirement funds and covers more than 5 million people in over 300,000 workplaces.

    • WISE Trust, administrator of the WSIB Employees’ Pension Plan.

    • Provincial Judges’ Pension Board, administrator of the Provincial Judges’ Pension Plan.

    Learn more about IMCO’s approach to climate.
    Reach out to get involved in shifting IMCO on climate.

    University Pension Plan (UPP)
    UPP is a jointly sponsored pension plan for employees of the University of Toronto, University of Guelph, Queen's University, and Trent University.
    Learn more about UPP’s approach to climate.
    Reach out to get involved in shifting UPP on climate.

  • If you are/were employed as a Federal worker, then you are a member of the Public Service Pension Plan, which is managed by PSP Investments (PSP).
    Learn about the campaign to shift PSP on climate and send a letter to your pension managers.

  • The Alberta Investment Management Corporation (AIMCo) is the manager for Alberta’s public sector pensions, including:

    Alberta Teachers' Retirement Fund (ATRF) and the Private School Teachers' Pension Plan:
    For active, inactive and retired Alberta teachers in all school jurisdictions and charter schools and eligible Alberta private school teachers.

    Universities Academic Pension Plan (UAPP):
    For active, inactive and retired academic and professional staff of Alberta universities and Banff Centre.

    Local Authorities Pension Plan (LAPP):
    For active, inactive and retired employees of Alberta's local authorities including cities, towns, villages, municipal districts, hospitals, colleges, school boards, etc.

    Public Service Pension Plan (PSPP):
    For active, inactive and retired employees of the Government of Alberta, universities, colleges, provincial corporations and government boards, agencies and commissions.

    Management Employees Pension Plan (MEPP) and Management Supplementary Retirement (MSRP):
    For active, inactive and retired management-level employees in the provincial public service, approved agencies, boards and commissions.

    Provincial Judges & Masters in Chambers Registered Pension Plan (JUDGES) and Provincial Judges & Masters in Chambers Unregistered Pension Plan (JSRP):
    For active, inactive and retired provincial court judges appointed under the Provincial Court Act and masters in chambers appointed under the Court of Queen’s Bench Act.

    Special Forces Pension Plan (SFPP):
    For active, inactive and retired police officers, chiefs and deputy chiefs of municipalities in Alberta, including Calgary, Edmonton, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Camrose, Lacombe and Taber.

    Read our analysis to learn more about AIMCo’s approach to climate.

    To get involved in shifting Alberta pensions on climate reach out to Shift.

  • Speak to your employer or labour representative to find out who your pension manager is. Then send Shift an email at info@shiftaction.ca and we’ll help you send a letter to your pension fund.


Other pensions

  • If you are/were employed in any province or territory except Quebec, then you are a member of the Canada Pension Plan.

    Send a letter to the Canada Pension Plan

  • If you are/were employed in Quebec, then you are a member of the Quebec Pension Plan, which is managed by the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ).

    Learn more about CDPQ’s approach to climate.
    Reach out to get involved in shifting CDPQ on climate.

  • Speak to your employer or labour representative to find out who your pension manager is. Then send Shift an email at info@shiftaction.ca and we’ll help you send a letter to your pension fund.